2 Of The Most Effective Household Muscle Building Supplements

By Jonathan Perez

That’s right, there exists not one, but in fact two household items that are some of the most effective muscle building / fat burning supplements around. And I’m sure you’ve heard about them, but this article will tell what they do in regards to muscle building (unlike fat burning, which seems to be the only aspect that’s mainly covered in other articles).

The two substances are green tea and caffeine…..but I’ll even go a step further and tell you which one is the best of the two.

First, green tea can have a positive affect on your muscle building goals because it’s main component, EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate, has been shown in some recent studies, such as from Baylor University in Waco, Texas, to protect the heart and other organs, including muscular tissue. All of this leads to improved recovery from those intense weight lifting sessions you place your body through.

This is because EGCG is a very powerful antioxidant, especially when taken at a dosage of 1200 mgs per day. This dosage ensures less muscle cell destruction, including those that tend to get damaged during a training workout.


However, and this is a big one, if you really want a huge bang for your buck, use caffeine (although using both won’t hurt, but if I had to choose one over the other, I’d go with caffeine, hands down).

Recently scientists from Denmark found that caffeine was a more powerful muscle building / weight loss supplement than green tea. As a matter of fact, a low dose of caffeine raised the metabolic rate 6% higher than green tea.

I know, when going through a muscle building phase the focus is on gaining muscle mass, not necessarily burning fat via a raised metabolic rate. Keep in mind, though, that you still must do everything it takes to maintain low body fat levels while building muscle mass. No use in going up in weight if it’s covered up by fat.

So before pulling out your wallet to spend your hard earned money on the latest hyped up bodybuilding supplement to hit the market, go with what has been proven to at least do something in your favor, as opposed to something that has yet to be proven. You can’t go wrong with caffeine or green tea.

It’s very unfortunate that so many workout enthusiasts look for physique enhancement at the bottom of a dietary supplement bottle. Regardless of what you take, or how much you spent, the proper training and diet program is what’s going to get you the results.

Don’t believe me….take a look at prisoners. Those guys don’t use the latest protein powder, supplement, pill, shake, etc. Yet those guys see more progress and gains in the slammer without access to mainstream supplements than the poor, mislead soles that believe that they must go out and spend hundreds of dollars per month on supplements. It’s like the old saying goes, “Buyer beware!”.

About the Author: The bodybuilding supplement industry is full hype and lies. If you want to learn more truths to building muscle mass without the need for these substances, go to: Growth Hormone Supplements Are A Waste Of Money

Source: isnare.com

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