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Submitted by: Ann Marier
Yoga clothing does not need to be a fashion statement although many who practice yoga like to wear fashionable yoga clothing to their classes. Other people do their yoga at home so their clothing for a yoga session is not seen by anyone including the instructor who is usually on a television screen.
Yoga is a series of poses or asanas that come from a practice started in ancient times by members of the Hindu religion. These yoga positions are designed to stretch the body for maximum flexibility and serenity. The yoga clothing should be designed to help each student execute the poses.
Yoga clothing needs to provide for the stretching that takes place in each yoga pose. These poses are often executed on a special yoga mat on the floor. Other poses are standing positions. The clothing for a yoga session should be soft and cover most of the body that will come into contact with the yoga mat. The clothing should cover most parts of the body except the feet which are almost always bare. The yoga clothing usually covers the legs completely. The shoulders and neck are sometimes left bare with some appropriate yoga clothing.
Yoga Clothing Is Available At Sporting Goods Outlets
Special yoga clothing is available at the sporting goods stores and in the sportswear section of department stores. There are several outlets that provide yoga clothing on the internet. The clothing for a yoga session usually includes some soft pants that go from the waist down to the ankles. The pants are loose fitting so each person can execute the stretching postures with ease. The pants should never be tight and restricting to flowing movement of the entire body. The pants are often made of soft spandex and other synthetics. Other pants are made of soft cotton or rayon blends.
Yoga clothing should include tops that allow for the freedom of movement. The sleeves on these tops come in various lengths. Each yoga person should make their choices based on their personal preferences. The tops should come in the soft fabrics like the pants.
When buying tops for yoga practice, each person should make sure that the top will not rub any body part when stretching in the yoga poses. Beautiful jackets are available in the lines of most providers. These jackets should be taken to each class to make sure that the muscles are not chilled before or after the session.
About the Author: Ann Marier writes informative articles on
general health issues
providing helpful tips and advice. Her latest articles about the benefits of yoga including
losing weight from yoga
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